Welcome to another Monday! I really don’t have too much to say about this particular Monday. Aside from the usual stuff that happened during the weekend, this is a pretty standard Monday so far. So, yeah, it’s pretty sunny here in San Francisco, at least by our standards. I gotta lot of sleep last night because I just went right to bed after recording the show. When I woke up today, I made some roasted chicken and edited the show, then I had some breakfast.
Wow, pretty boring, huh? Well, sometimes Dyson can’t win them all, but at least your Monday can be a little more exciting than mine by listening to the new RFGO!
- Chad has something to say about last week
- Fastest review ever
- Rev puts the lotion in the basket
- Questions begin!
- Colette returns
- We get Chad into another laughing frenzy, the world rights itself
- Orcist, your roomie wants his money
- Dinosaurs!
Aaaaaaand there ya’ go! That’s about all I really have to say about this week’s show. I’m still in the middle of my boring-ass Monday, but you guys can alleviate your boredom by downloading the new, very long episode of RFGO! Let us know what you think about it in the comments after you’re finished, ‘kay?
Published: Apr 14, 2008 03:46 pm