After posting the original story about the upcoming Forza Motorsport 2 DLC track, Twin Ring Motegi, I felt bad. Perhaps I was a bit harsh — maybe 600 MS Points ($7.50) is a reasonable price for a single race track for a $59.99 videogame. Nah, that actually is too expensive, isn’t it?
Well, Turn 10 and Microsoft were listening to fan’s cries, and have decided to lower the price. When Twin Ring Motegi hits the Xbox Live Marketplace tomorrow, it will only cost 400 MS Points ($5.00). But Forza community manager Che Chou plays it safe in his announcement of the price drop, not once admitting that maybe $7.50 was just too damned high to begin with.
“I just want you guys to know that the main impetus for this is directly related to the feedback we received here on the forums,” he writes, “particularly the concern that 600 MS points requires the user to purchase a block of 1000 MS points from Live Marketplace, whereas 400 MS points only requires the user to buy a 500 MS point package from Marketplace.”
Well maybe Microsoft should have thought of that before they decided to use fancy fantasy moon money as their digital currency, eh? In any case, it’s cheaper now, but is it still really worth the cost of admission?
Published: Oct 25, 2007 11:25 pm