In the black of the night (how appropriate!) a Ninja Gaiden 2 details page appeared on Microsoft’s official Japanese Xbox 360 Web site. Complete with the screenshots shown here, the game was listed for a 2008 release, which likely means 2010 since we’re talking about Team Ninja here.
Not surprisingly, the game looks absolutely gorgeous, with large, lush environments and detailed enemies. The screenshots display a surprising amount of violence, even for a Ninja Gaiden title. Itagaki, a fan of the God of War series, obviously doesn’t like being one-upped — consider the gauntlet thrown, Kratos.
While the page no longer exists, the damage (including various decapitations and flying limbs) has already been done. If we needed any confirmation that Ninja Gaiden 2 is going to be revealed in some form or another at next week’s Tokyo Game Show, this is it.
[Thanks Kain!]
Published: Sep 11, 2007 08:09 am