Taking a break but I’ll be back!
Hello everybody! This is just a wee announcement to let you know that Challenge Scot is going on a little hiatus until January. I work a full-time job and make these videos in my free time, but as we race towards Christmas and New Year’s I’m finding myself with less free time and even less energy.
However, fear not! For Challenge Scot is most certainly not being cancelled, as I’ve seen a few people worry about in the comments. I’m just taking some time off over the holidays to recharge the batteries and come back in 2014 hopefully better than ever.
In the meantime, please feel free to send me challenge ideas either here or on Twitter. Or, if you have any ideas for other kinds of content you’d like to see me create, let me know!
I would also like to thank everyone for how amazing the feedback has been over the past few months. It’s really scary to put yourself out there for strangers on the internet to see, but you guys and girls have been so positive that you’ve really helped me be more confident in my work.
So, thank you all from the bottom of my heart and I’ll see you in 2014!
Published: Dec 6, 2013 01:30 pm