Apparently, Wired flubbed the description for the Nintendo Wii in their test catalogue, indicating that it features a better than average, standard Pentax SLR camera lens. While the lonely PS3 at the bottom of the page looks on, it has more and more reasons to feel inadequate. Thanks a lot, Wired.
However, no one is saying it wouldn’t be cool to mod your Wii into a camera, maybe even with the innards of a Super 8, which looks about the right size. You really wouldn’t want to waste a perfectly good Wii for it, though, right?
Amusingly enough, bundling this lens and a Wii still doesn’t cost as much as a PS3. I’d actually love to see some photos of things you can duct tape (or set next) to your Wii that still aren’t as costly together as a standalone PS3, and likely much more useful/awesome. Like your dog…strap your Wii to your dog.
(Thanks for the tip, Shaun)
[Screen capture, in case Wired gets their act together and fixes it.]
Published: Dec 4, 2006 11:30 am