It comes out next month. Just in case you thought we were progressing at a steady clip as a society.
Today, we had reviews for Kingdoms of Amalur, The Darkness II, and The Jak and Daxter Collection (good luck playing all the games!), toy Aliens held videogames, those who missed it on Super Bowl Sunday got a look at ‘Sup Holmes? (and a wonderful drawing of Jonathan Holmes), and more!
Destructoid Original:The DTOID Show: Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Review
Top nine Aliens toys holding videogames
Team Fortress 2sdays: Time to put on your lucky pants
Check out my hot shot reel for Hot Shots Golf on Vita
Sup Holmes: VVVVVV 3DS sales and Cave Story+ updates!
Live show: Mash Tactics’ Darkness II playthrough marathon
Community:Community blogs of 2/7
Forum thread of the day: Sexy Ass Nerd Valentines That Will Get You Laid
Reviews: Review: The Darkness II
Review: Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
Review: Jak and Daxter Collection
Events: Try 2-player QWOP and MEGA GIRP in Austin this weekend
News:Lollipop Chainsaw will be censored in Japan
Twisted Metal dev hit with layoffs, David Jaffe leaving
Nicalis: Nintendo has turned things around with the eShop
Tiny Tower hits download milestone
PSA: Nubageddon has finally arrived!
Sony: No PSP-to-PS Vita transfer program for America
Skyrim gets Creation Kit, high-res textures, and a sale
Offbeat:Disney film Wreck-It Ralph is all about videogames
Fighterpedia brings you late-night Skullgirls hype
Dj CUTMAN makes ladies wet with newest games remix album
Danimal Cannon knows how to rock chiptunes HARD
Indie Game: The Movie hits the road, has presents
Media:Here’s a strange Alan Wake’s American Nightmare dev diary
Kinect Star Wars priced and dated, adds space battles
House of the Dead III comes Valentine’s Day, demo out now
Another Modern Warfare 3 map is on the way for Elites
Latest I Am Alive video offers a few survival tips
Published: Feb 7, 2012 11:59 pm