If you’re an Old School RuneScape player, it can be hard to make money at times. The game has so many different things to do that it can be hard to determine what’s worth the time.
For most players, training skills will be the most efficient way to earn GP, although there are specific methods you should use to maximize the size of your cash pile. After all, if you make money as fast as possible, you can invest this GP into reducing the pain from the grindiest skills in Old School RuneScape.

For many years, Agility was considered among the worst GP per hour in Old School RuneScape. However, the addition of the Hallowed Sepulchre minigame back in 2020 changed everything, turning the skill into not just a great money-maker, but a much quicker way to earn XP, too. By doing Hallowed Sepulchre runs, players can loot coffins across several floors for an estimated 2 million GP per hour. It’s very click-intensive, but the rewards are well worth the effort.

Farming isn’t a skill that will transform you from rags to riches overnight, but if you stay consistent with it, you’ll make a ton of GP over time. More specifically, you should focus on farming herbs like Snapdragon or Ranarr Weeds, although Avantoe, Torstol, and Cadantine can also work. A herb run should take you around five minutes to complete, with each yielding a profit of around 250,000 to 300,000, depending on the herb. This doesn’t seem like a lot in isolation, but considering how little of a time commitment it is, it makes Farming one of the most profitable skills in Old School RuneScape.

If you’re looking for something that doesn’t require your full attention at all times, Hunter could be the skill for you. By hunting Black Chinchompas, you can make a cool 1 million GP per hour, while Moonlight Antelopes will net you in the realm of 1.2 million per hour. The Black Chinchompas have lower-level requirements, but both are valid ways to make solid GP.

At Level 78 Magic, you unlock the Tan Leather spell, where the real money begins. You can tan Dragonhide for an approximate 1.1 million per hour GP rate. If done from 78 all the way to 99, you can expect to earn upwards of 100 million GP, which you can invest into maxing some of Old School RuneScape‘s most expensive skills. At Level 90 and above (combined with the other combat skills), you can also fight The Whisperer, a tough boss especially weak to Magic. Loot from this fight will earn around 4.5 million GP an hour, although high requirements all around means most won’t take this route.

Old School RuneScape features many different ways to make money via Runecrafting. Crafting Wrath Runes in around 3.2 million GP per hour, albeit with a high Level 95 requirement. We recommend crafting Blood Runes, which needs just 77 Runecrafting for a gain of 2.8 million GP an hour. The only con to Runecrafting is that you can’t AFK it at all, so anything less than full attention will diminish these GP rates massively.

It should be pretty obvious why Slayer makes this list, right? As you grind away at your set tasks, you’ll receive a bunch of drops from your monster kills, which is bound to make you a ton of profit on the road to 99. As you reach a higher Slayer level and get assigned better tasks, your GP per hour will only increase, especially if you use Slayer Points to ban some of the worse tasks from being handed out.

There is really only one Smithing method that yields good money in Old School RuneScape. By heading to the Blast Furnace and smelting Runite Bars, you should make over 2 million GP per hour. This assumes you make about 200 trips per hour, which is possible if you’re vigilant about your clicks. Even going semi-AFK here can still produce good amounts of GP, though, so don’t worry if you want to put something else on a second monitor while you do this method.

You have two great options when it comes to making money via Thieving. Choose between pickpocketing Vyres and Elves – both will earn you above 4 million GP per hour, although Vyres do require you to have completed the Sins of the Father quest, so bear that in mind. Combine this with the Shadow Veil spell (which reduces your chance of being stunned while failing a pickpocket) for even higher GP rates. With Thieving, you’ll make more money the higher your Level, so this money-maker might be best saved until you’re at 95 and above.
Published: Sep 8, 2024 2:53 PM UTC